Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Return of Alduin: Bane of Kings

    It was one of the most beautiful days
within Skyrim. Miraak was down in Riverwood using Alvor’s smithing area. Alvor, was a strong and hardy nord, who was renowned for his skills, for which he crafted almost all the weapons for each stronghold’s Jarls. One though stood out; Whiterun, which was one of the largest trade centers throughout Tamriel. Jarl Balgruuf, was the Jarl of Whiterun, so he was known throughout. Balgruuf had requested Alvor to create an ancient and powerful weapon, one which only Miraak and gods could handle; a Deadric Greatsword. A Daedric weapon as such, was crafted with 3 ebony ingots, 1 dark steel ingot, and a daedra heart, which could only be acquired by killing a Daedric lord which even Miraak had only killed few of before. The Jarl had approached Alvor, several days before Miraak and Alvor were friends; Balgruuf gave Alvor the items, and asked him to make it. Before, Balgruuf had asked all of the blacksmiths of Whiterun, but all said no, and with good reason. Alvor took up Balgruuf’s request because he thought it might increase his popularity, in return Balgruuf would give Alvor 10,000 gold coins and any kind of material he needed in crafting.
    “Who’s that?” Miraak had asked “That? That is my most exquisite customer, Jarl Balgruuf the Greater, Jarl of Whiterun” Alvor responded “I’ve heard stories about him, one being he has a daedric greatsword”. Alvor came closer to Miraak with worry in his eyes. “I’m the one who crafted that sword, I never wanted to turn him down for his offer, he’d give me 10,000 gold coins and anything I needed for crafting.” At this moment Miraak was getting too confused Why wouldn’t you want to? He wondered “Why is that bad to take up?” “Because he cannot-” “Alvor! My favorite blacksmith, I have your monthly gold here, and the ebony ingots you requested” Balgruuf handed them over and said his goodbyes “Thank you Balgruuf, you take care.” Miraak pondered Alvor for the answer “He cannot what?” “He cannot hold it! Without any kind of protection, he would die, disappear, gone!” Miraak looked at Balgruuf, and Alvor, with tons of confusion.
    Miraak returned to his home in Falkreath, as he approached, Lydia confronted him, “I have fully furnished your armory, and cellar.” Of course Lydia wasn’t leaving, she was Miraak’s housecarl, who would mainly take care of the house, like a maid but with swords. Lydia was given to Miraak near two years ago, when his identity was revealed after killing a dragon near Whiterun. “Thank you Lydia, here’s your pay, and I put a little extra in there, I swear I heard about a blacksmith in Whiterun selling ebony armor.” Lydia’s eyes blew up, like fire and gasoline. “Oh, by Ysmir! Thank you Miraak, I shall use it wisely!” “No need to call me Miraak anymore, call me Mir Mir for short, okay?” Lydia was so excited with the news “Okay, see you tonight, or tomorrow.” Miraak walked towards his tall, creaky and old door, looked up and read Lakeview Manor, and walked in.
    “I’m back honey” Miraak exclaimed walking into his deceptively big house, on the outside it looked small, looked. “Hey honey, I made vegetable soup tonight” “I love vegetable soup! Thank you” He said with excitement. “I also baked some cake tonight” Ysolda said walking out of the kitchen. Ysolda was Miraak’s wife from Whiterun, who traded vegetables and fruits with the Khajiit, who were a humanoid cat-like race, who you could say walking pussycats. “What type? Ooh I hope it’s chocolate turtle.” “You’ll see. So what’d you do today?” He pulled out a set of stainless steel pots and pans. “I thought you needed some more cooking tools, so I made these” Ysolda walked over and gave Miraak a kiss “Thank you babe.” “I also made myself a daedric warhammer, and Lydia some ebony swords to go with her new set of armor.” “I heard about that, some blacksmith in Whiterun selling it.” “How did you-” “If you’re wondering how, Byrnjolf stopped by and told me, so I could tell you, to tell Lydia.” “Oh… ok.” Just before they both sat down Lydia busted through the door, close it and locked it “Lydia what’s going on?” “Daedric lords! They came from nowhere!” just then, a sword stabbed through, right next to Lydia’s head.
    “Lydia stay guard there, and here I made these for you, Ysolda get upstairs, it’s nothing I haven’t handled before.” Ysolda rushed upstairs as Lydia got ready. “Open the door, I’m gonna dragon shout them.” Miraak got ready, and Lydia slowly and quietly opened the door. FUS RO DAH! Miraak shouted, and an oval of unrelenting force rushed out. All three daedric lords tumbled down over each other. Lydia came outside and brang her curved and decorated blade up, and with a swift and sudden move down, killing the first lord. Miraak continued after and smashed his warhammer, but the lord got out of the way, and swung up at Miraak. At this point Lydia was fighting the other, and the lord’s sword got stuck in Miraak’s armor “Impossible, nothing can stop this sword!” “Apparently something can, you would think in 2000 years, you might reinforce it soon, that was day one!” and Miraak swung. Now, both Lydia and Miraak were fighting the last one. Miraak shouted enough energy to disarm him. “Why did you attack her! Of all people!” “Don’t you know? The ebony and daedric warriors have been at war forever. Now, are you gonna kill me or wh-” And an arrow pierced his chest, Miraak looked back, and saw Ysolda holding a bow and arrows. “How did you-” “You didn’t think for some years I wouldn’t know how to fight back?” But that wasn’t Miraak’s worry, he knew something was up if Ysolda could hold a daedric item.
    Miraak continued to loot each body for their hearts, as that is the only way to craft daedric items. “Thank you Lydia, now I need to speak with Ysolda privately if you will” Lydia bowed a little forward, and continued to loot the bodies. Miraak was confused at what happened, how Ysolda knew where the arrows were, and how she could hold them. He took a moment, and walked into his house, closed the door, and locked it. “How did you do it? Where did you find my arrows?” “My father was a blacksmith, he taught me alot of things, mainly shielding, sword fighting, and obviously archery.” “But that doesn’t explain how you found my arrows, and could hold them.” Ysolda was confused, she thought arrows were just arrows, nothing more. “But they’re just arrows, that’s i-” “No that isn’t it, they’re DAEDRIC arrows, Only dragonborns, daedric lords and gods could hold them.” “So what, you’re calling me eveil or a god, because we both know I ain’t a dragon-” “Born? Maybe you are.” Miraak was about to be executed before he learned he could use dragon tongue. He gave Ysolda a dragon soul, and spread a word out of the floor for Ysolda to pick up, the first word of power for unrelenting force. She picked up the word, and Miraak painted a target for Ysolda to shout at. She shouted, FUS! Miraak looked at Ysolda with worry “How is this possible?”
    The throat of the world was the biggest and tallest mountain in all of Tamriel. Near the top was High Hrothgar, a sanctuary for the Greybeards, who were masters of the dragon tongue and servants to Paarthurnaxx, an ancient dragon turned good, who only lived at the top, covered by a wall of elemental snow and blizzard stopping everyone. But even the journey to High Hrothgar was dangerous, as there were chances of bandits, frost trolls, ice wraiths, and wolves. “How much further do we have? It’s almost sundown.” Ysolda was out of breath and hungry. “Don’t worry they have water and food up there.” Just as he finished they both heard a troll up ahead. “Sounds like trouble. Here drink this, it’s an invisibility potion” Miraak handed her a bottle, for he began to drink “Aww it’s awful, are you sure it work-” Ysolda looked over and didn’t see anything “Miraak? Where’d you go?” “I’m right here” “Right where? I don’t see yo- ohh!” They were both invisible by now. They continued on past the troll. “Huh that was close” “And we are close” Up ahead, they both saw High Hrothgar. “Well, here we are” “So this is where you trained in dragon tongue” They walked up and before either of them raised a hand, the door opened, and am old, grey clothed figure popped out. “Dragonborn we’ve been expecting you” “Mikael, I have news, my wife, she can speak in dragon tongue.”
    “So what’s your name” Ysolda pondered “His name is Mikael, I trained with him for a while before I mastered dragon tongue” “Well, nice to meet you Mikael, my name’s Ysolda” “Nice to meet you Ysolda. Here we will find out if you are really a dragonborn” They entered a court looking area and here, 4 other greybeards came out. Each one of them gave Ysolda a dragon soul. You can absorb a dragon soul, but to use one is a different story. “So I am a dragonborn?” “We don’t know, yet, but anyone can be given a dragon soul” Mikael provided a second word or power for unrelenting force. “Now walk up to it and pick it up.” She slowly walked over, and picked it up. “Great, now we know halfway if you are a dragonborn or not. Now to test it” Mikael spawned a bandit, not real, just a form. Ysolda got ready, and shouted FUS RO! the bandit was knocked over and deconjured. “Now we’ll talk in private, and leave you two to talk together. They walked away “did it ever occur to you that picking up a daedric item was bad?” “No, I didn’t know what so ever. I thought they were just-” “Just what, items crafted at your local blacksmith? You need a daedric HEART to create one.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t kno-” Just then Mikael and the others walked in “Ysolda we have decided that you are a dragonborn” Miraak stumbled to his knees in shock.
    Mikael continued to the courtyard, followed by Ysolda and Miraak. “So who are they? What are their names?” “I don’t know Many of us have stayed up here for thousands of years, and have forgotten our own names.” “Why haven’t you?” “Because I’ve served up here for only a couple of years now, that is why.” Miraak looked around, he remembered the place as if it were his back hand. “This is where I first learned a word of power called Whirlwind sprint, a word you’ll master soon.” “So how many shouts are there? And how long does it take to learn them?” “There are about 164 dragon shouts, and learning a shout is easy, mastering them is another story.” Ysolda looked around, and noticed a path blocked off by a blizzard, but one like no other, for which she started to walk to. “And here is where-, Ysolda? Ysolda where are you going?” Mikael was asking, while trying to explain what this and that did. Miraak followed behind, and remembered he had the same curiosity when he came up to High Hrothgar. “That is the path to Paarthurnaxx” “Heard of him. So when can I see him?” “Well you first need to be a master and learn the-” “Nonsense Mikael, let me take my wife up to Paarthurnaxx, I haven’t spoken to him in a while, in fact, since I’ve been married.” “Well I guess we can let a few minor rules go, you may go Miraak.” “Thank you Mikael, I’ll make the best of it.
    “Shh!” “What is it?” “I said shh! I think it’s an ice wraith.” “What’s an ice wraith?” “You’ll know once you see one.” Miraak and Ysolda took cover under a rock to stay away from the blizzard. “I need me sword. Reach in the pack and grab my daedric sword.” She grabbed the sword and gave it to Miraak. They waited until the wraith got closer, and from nowhere it seemed, it came. Miraak charged out and sliced downwards cutting the wraith in half. “That’s what they look like” “Quickly let’s get going.” They continued on. Soon they came across the clear point, or a point where it did not blizzard at. “I think we’re in the clear” “Good, after that short but seemingly long trip.” “MIRAAK” a voice as deep as an ocean, but as calm as one called out. “We’re here” “What was that?” “Don’t worry that is Paarthurnaxx, a good dragon.” “Dragon?” “Like I said good.” A war-torn dragon came into view, golden and legendary in a way. “Greetings Miraak, has been a while” “Yes it has.” “So who is this mortal you have brung me?” “My wife” “Oh, forgive me madame, I did not know” “And a dragonborn,” “What? How can this be Miraak?” “I don’t know, but she must train, and she wanted to se-” “PAARTURNAXX! MY BROTHER” “Who was that?” Miraak was in confusion “That? That is Alduin:Bane of Kings!”
    Alduin was a massive dragon, covered in horns and spikes with a demonic black body and red eyes look. Alduin was one of three brothers, Odahviing, Paarthurnaxx, and himself. He wanted absolute power throughout Tamriel, making even all daedric lords bow down, but he was stopped by Odahviing and Paarthurnaxx, and was banished ahead in time, to the time of Miraak and Ysolda. In his return, he had over 100s of dragons by his side to help conquer Tamriel, and own it in a such way. “I have come back to fulfill my destiny! To kill you and Odahviing and own Tamriel!” “I shall not allow such things to happen.” “What are you gonna stop me? You’ve grown old and weak brother! For I am still young and strong!” “We will not allow it either!” “And who might you two pests be?” “Watch your tongue Alduin, those are dragonborns” “I will kill you if you threaten me, Ysolda, Paarthurnaxx and anyone else Alduin!” “You do not scare me, as you cannot defeat me!” “You can defeat anyone if you try you big slug” Alduin’s eyes sharpened “You dare offend me! I shall kill you!” Alduin flew over while breathing a steady stream of fire. Paarthurnaxx continued after him “Call my brother Miraak, get out of here, he will take you to the bottom of the mountain!” Miraak got ready, and shouted, ODAHVIING! And a dragon’s cry could be heard. Moments later, a blue, black and red dragon appeared “Brother I will help you!” “No, help get these dragonborns to the base of the mountain!”
    The giant winged beast came down and landed at the top of the mountain, and allowed Miraak and Ysolda to climb on “Will you help your brother after this!?” “I will try, hoping he isn’t already dead” “Shouldn’t we warn the greybeards to help Paarthurnaxx, you know he can’t hold Alduin right?” “I do know, I am the youngest, Paarthurnaxx is the middle, and Alduin the oldest.” “Who are your parents? What even were their names? Or did you even have parents?” “We did have parents, but we did not know them, as us brothers had to fight and live together.” “So why did Alduin turn bad and become power hungry? Why did you and Paarthurnaxx choose the good side rather than side with Alduin?” “Alduin wanted power because he wanted to be the biggest, baddest, and most feared dragon alive” “And my second question?” “We did not follow Alduin because the mortals were never a threat to us.” At this moment Odahviing landed and allowed them to get down. “Go, get to your house, I shall help my brother.” Miraak and Ysolda ran, without stopping “There must be a way to stop Alduin” “Maybe it’s in our library!” Miraak arrived and Lydia was walking towards them “What’s going on?” “No time to explain Lydia, do you know where the tales of ancient dragons are?” “I always carry it, here.” Miraak read through and found Alduin, it read that the ancient Nords defeated Alduin, by sending him forward in time, which put him in Sovngarde, where he may be killed. “That’s it!”
    “The book says here, that Alduin was sent to Sovngarde and forward in time by using an elder scroll, and by reading this, would put me into Sovngarde also” Ysolda looked worried, as Sovngarde was where heroes would go when they died. “Miraak, don’t you know, Sovngarde, it’s where heroes go when they pass” “Yes I know, but I will ask for help when I get there to come back. Remember I’m dragonborn, and haven’t died yet, have I?” Miraak started to gather his items, he put on his daedric armor, grabbed his warhammer, and plenty of potions. “Lydia, I need to know if you can take care of my wife if I die, serve her, help her, protect her, please Lydia” “I shall Mir Mir.” Miraak smiled, put his helmet on, and ran to the top of the throat of the world. On his way he came across several trolls for which he killed with one swipe. He got to High Hrothgar and Mikael stopped him. “I know what you need, Paarthurnaxx may not help you, but I can, I have what you need.” “Where is it?” “Right here, I’ve been protecting it for all those years, so you or someone else could stop the dragons.
    Miraak continued to the courtyard where all of the greybeards gathered. “What is this?” “Dragonborn, you cannot take down Alduin on your own, he must land before you read the scroll.” Miraak cleared the blizzard with his shout, and continued on with the greybeards. He got to the top to see Odahviing protecting Paarthurnaxx, who was majorly damaged. “Dragonborn, what are you doing here? I told you it is my brother!” “But my destiny! You cannot stop destiny as you are the one who taught me that!” “Odahviing, back, stay back! We’ll handle this!” Mikael yelled. “Greybeards form up, get ready to use dragonrend!” Miraak was confused, he never heard of dragonrend before. “What is dragonrend?” “A good thing to talk about another good time!” Miraak backed up and let the greybeards do what they needed to do. They shouted, and a blue pulsing aura surrounded Alduin, disabling his ability to fly away. “Now Miraak, read the Elder Scroll! He cannot get away!” Miraak quickly pulled out the big, golden and burnt-like scroll out, and started to read the Nordic language. He continued to the end, which ended in English “Alduin! I now, and forever banish you from Tamriel!” Alduin disappeared, and Paarthurnaxx walked towards Miraak, for which he got ready “Miraak, I shall send you with him, to kill him, and meet the heroes of Sovngarde.” and at this moment, Paarthurnaxx shouted at him, and Miraak slowly disappeared also.
    Miraak appeared in what looked like Skyrim, but different. He looked up and noticed a beautiful and clear night sky filled with over thousands of stars. He was soon greeted with the heroes of Sovngarde. “Welcome dragonborn, this is Sovngarde, a heaven-like place for us heroes” “I see! It’s beautiful!” “Yes it is, but it will be no longer unless we can stop Alduin.” “Right, right yes, I obviously came prepared” “And we did too. We must stop Alduin’s reign over Skyrim.” “Lets go then” The group bolted to a bone bridge which seperated a magnificent Nord house and land. “Here he comes, heroes! Use dragonrend shout!” They got ready, and shouted and forced Alduin down. The heroes charged in, and Miraak stayed behind, he was thinking of all outcomes before going in. “Miraak lets go!” He charged in, jumped on Alduin’s back, and swiped his warhammer at his head, for Alduin was getting bludgeoned and stabbed and could not stop them. And with one last blow, Miraak crushed Alduin’s heart by hitting his chest. This started to disintegrate Alduin and his bones. Miraak also started to disappear, “I’m confused! What’s going on?” “You are to return home, remember you aint dead friend. If you ever need us, just shout us!” He spawned near his house, Lydia and Ysolda ran out “Miraak!” “I’m confused, it’s only been an hour” “But a week for us!” Miraak took off his helmet, hugged his wife and kissed. “Now, time for you to learn to be a true dragonborn.”